Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silver Dollar Clip Art

The Way to Happiness

Michael Kent (Kent despatch )

What the world is currently the most urgent need is good news, things that work and help the world actually make a better place. Just something the book "The Way to Happiness" - and not just a little bit, but in very, very large extent and scope.

In other countries of the world, people have recognized this for some time and with the "Way to Happiness" is a real popular movement, kicked off a grassroots movement: The issue in America is distributed to 12,000 schools by the police in South American countries, the Red Cross in the Philippines etc. Did you know that? If you have ever heard in Germany ever like this?

And you knew that "The Way to Happiness" in the rest of the world is in such demand, that it has been translated into 95 languages and therefore according to the Koran at the sixth-most translated book on earth is? Or

knew that this little book is so popular in the rest of the world, that it is now in the hands of 82.3 million people and is thus ranked 32 in the world rankings is the most widely used books of the earth?

The book can now www.kent in all 95 languages (including German, of course) free of charge as PDF from our website to download - Our Christmas and New Year gift to all readers of our newsletter.


Do you publish a single adult man, sincere, honest, deep from within serene serene and filled with deep happiness is? If I

, whether in Kirchheim, Stuttgart, Munich or elsewhere by stroll the streets, I see faces that are furrowed with worry, tablets or alcohol drawn, consumed by grief.

see Yes, I sometimes - rarely - children who are still really happy from the inside out, but the next thing that happens is that any adult in the area reduces the chance immediately. It takes almost a minute until a lucky kid down a peg in any way, put him in the wrong and his luck is prohibited normal.

It appears to an almost as one in this country should not just be happy, as if true, genuine happiness something that is simply prohibited. Or as if it were any unimportant appendage to life, a "superfluous accessory.

But happiness is the central element of life, the focal point of the essence. In other words, everything is nothing without happiness.

indicates the degree of happiness, how much one life in this material world they themselves remained. The unfortunate person is, the less of himself (from his true self) is left.

"The Way to Happiness" shows a possible way back to the real self - and he even managed to get to schools free of drugs, managed to inspire people to improve their environment, managed to rebellious band members give back a sense of purpose, indeed, it even managed to rehabilitate prisoners criminals such
helped that other prisoners were released early in some cases even. Moreover - and this is unique in the world - was (and others) with his help, the likelihood that once criminals after their release back into the prison to return from 85 percent to 0 to 10 percent!

But the "Way to Happiness" accomplished even more than that a man lost return it thinks happiness.

This booklet is not a religious or ideological movement, but a secular guide, purely on common Common sense is based.

Nowhere it is about religious content or faith. The book will be distributed worldwide by government authorities and representatives of all religions. It is estimated by scientists or even of materially-oriented people who believe in nothing.

Note: The author of the book "The Way to Happiness" is L. Ron Hubard, as familiar to most as the founder of the Scientology religion. But Hubbard has at least 20 other departments and areas of research and describes not only a religious philosophy of life (Scientology). The booklet is independent of the Scientology - and the project "The Way to Happiness participate "in the world 99 percent of people who are not Scientologists

We are dealing here is not about religion but about getting back more to bring the values and virtues in a world that is torn apart by disasters, wars and crises, therefore, once again to bring a little luck, who feel they have lost it, therefore, give new hope to people who think there would be no, so bring a little more happiness and good news in this stricken world.

This is our present concern and that of the booklet The Way to Happiness -. despatch one topic that is almost THE

under the following direct link to you the "Way to Happiness" download directly:

Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Use An Sd Writer

You may

have This telegram I better understood why it is counterproductive to impose something or other to teach, etc.

»'hulls, the" normal people "nose at you, such as when" represented such funny Views , esoteric and / or strict vegan, drink purified water, avoid sugar and salt industries and can not be vaccinated? Are you sometimes as incorrigible, sectarian or as a conspiracy theorist? Do you sometimes difficult to get people to bring certain issues in more detail? This dispatch was written for YOU - and really they should each be preceded by an introduction despatch ..."«

Here the full article in PDF

Sunday, December 6, 2009

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What is Scientology really?

On the subject of Scientology, the author of the telegram Kent, Michael Kent Member, na And?
Where's the problem?

When I abbonniert the telegram had, it was not long before me and my parents threw a right-wing anti-Semites and Scientology brainwashed gullible guru went into the trap here, because they had read it on the internet and television reports of Michael Kent knew about Scientology.

I could not leave, of course, sit on me and informed me in detail about Michael Kent and Scientology.

Well, my research brought to light just the opposite.

Michael Kent also supports the company founded by Scientology CCHR (Commission for violations of psychiatry against human rights eV) , among other together with Jews for the AltNaziÄrzte that perform some still in their experiments provide psychiatry, charged and put an end to their doings.

Socviel quite radical on the subject and anti-Semitism.

I am not a member , but when I Scientology for 'By their fruits ye shall know them "look, I can only take my hat:

Drogenrehabilation with over 70% success rate

Youth for Human Rights

world's largest Drug education campaign
Drug-free World

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Volunteer Ministers
Volunteer Ministers

Here a lecture on the last AZK

Much love

Monday, September 28, 2009

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electromagnetic pollution, and risk solution

That was with the phones and the radiation I never feel uneasy. While it was always told that radiation is not dangerous, but I always had the feeling that something is not there.

There are now dozens of studies and experts, who point out the dangers of electromagnetic pollution.

this example for me on a very informative and helpful presentation by Dr. Joachim mother electromagnetic pollution.

Here a PDF where the physical background is explained and solutions are presented.

When I talked earlier with the phone, or cordless phone, I had often after long discussions the feeling that my brain would go carousel. And it always took a while until it had calmed down. Since then I

the Fostac use cell phone chip , this malaise is not performed.

The Fostac Maximus harmonizes the electromagnetic throughout the house, earth radiation, water veins, faults, curry power, Hartmann grid and has other properties that have a very positive effect on your well-being.

The Fostac can order products through Institute for Prevention .

A very cheap way to the electro-house (wiring, equipment) to neutralize the energy cone are Timo Reinwald . The cones work very well. Home set up, I was on the first night, though I usually went to sleep about 22:00 clock to sleep, only to clock 4.00, the fit I was. My parents went there similarly, only after about a week we had adjusted to the new energy. An expert has measured it and found that the electro-house is almost completely neutralized, and we need nothing more. Except for the microwave radiation (cell phone, WLAN, etc.), the funny feeling in my head disappeared on the phone after using the mobile phone chips Fostac .

In Germany there are now already about 5 million electric Sensible. To my knowledge, is also with an electric sensitivity heavy metal poisoning, as by the heavy metal deposits in the body directly Electromagnetic Fields are the well-being affect massive.

any questions you may call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cat Allergy Build Tolerance

mercury poisoning?

ask How can I tell if I have a mercury poisoning and what can I do?

Did you know that amalgam is 50% of mercury and mercury the most toxic non-radioactive smokers' is?

What causes an amalgam poisoning in your body and what are the treatment options?

The World Health Organization has identified 35 years ago that over 90%
cause of all degenerative diseases caused by environmental toxins or worse be.

What role is played by an amalgam poisoning?

Recent studies show that 50 to 75 percent of all EU citizens have amalgam in the mouth. This corresponds to an amount of mercury of 2,000 tonnes of pure mercury.

In a study of mercury poisoning at the University of Erlangen were found in the saliva BR amalgam carriers averaged 4.9 micrograms of mercury per liter. After ten minutes of chewing gum, the values increased to 200 micrograms per liter.
According to drinking water regulations in Germany per liter, a maximum mercury content is allowed from one microgram. This regular

Release of mercury from amalgam fillings leads inevitably to chronic mercury poisoning, which manifests itself sooner or later in symptoms. In Germany, meanwhile more than 10 million people are chronically ill.

Is there a connection?

On the you can make free watch a video presentation about the latest research on amalgam.

As more and more published information on adverse effects of amalgam to amalgam fillings left many people without protective measures, with the best dentist next . Remove They did not know that they are thereby exposing a high-grade poisoning directly, according to Dr. Daunderer resulted in many people in a wheelchair.

My recommendation still present in amalgam fillings is the first time thoroughly informed about amalgam and mercury.
- essential protection during amalgam removal,
- possibilities of heavy metal,
- alternative to amalgam dental filling materials,
- Funding: Self-fee, subsidy of health insurance.

My personal experience about this:
was for me an amalgam poisoning, the cause of many chronic diseases such as sinusitis, headaches, depression, diarrhea, chest and joint pain, acne and fatigue.

After many unsuccessful attempts at therapy, I finally realized the mercury poisoning as the cause and began to intensively with information about amalgam removal and heavy metal to employ.

meantime I have implemented my opinion, the best treatment options most part and that my physical well-being, my health, my physical and mental Fitness and my mental state can improve enormously.

Since it is very important to me my experience and knowledge to share, I'm
about to make it progressively online. The first part of the research findings, symptoms and diagnosis of an amalgam poisoning can be found on the following page:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Your Lucisart Is Damage

fresh nutrients

sure you know the saying: "Never i have gehoabt what "and then comes on with these people blow blow.

increasing number of researchers believe that this is often at a lower supply Vital ingredients to do. Triggered mainly by chemical and food-depleted soils.

Here is a summary of the nutrient development 1985-2002.

And here's a video by Xavier Rudd on the subject of vital substances

Part 1

Part 2

my opinion, Wild plants are the best way to feed rich in vital substances around.

Posted by : " of the contents Wild plants are the crops (vegetables, fruit) are far superior (to 80-fold). On average, they contain the 3-fold in magnesium and 10 times of iron. Where to stop in the breeding of plants, the plant protein, it starts with "Weeds" (actually it is wrong of weeds to speak, for a rose in the cornfield and a stalk of wheat in a rose culture in this place and weeds) to.

Comparative examples:
The stinging nettle contains compared to lettuce is 30 times of vitamin C, 20 times of provitamin A, the 40-fold in calcium, which is 25 times more magnesium and 50 times of iron.
lettuce, pulled contains biologically, such as 11 milligrams per 100 grams Magnesium, however Wegmalve mg 71st
Vitamin C:
Wegmalve mg 13 178 mg.

salad mg 600 mg
Wegmalve 7200!
This impressive list goes on and on. "

this, I recommend this very informative and well illustrated book Edible Wild Plants

However, weeds for most people are not metabolize immediately optimal. As many raw food have problems with flatulence and underweight.

This is because I believe that is chewed too little (the food should only be in the liquid! state water it down) and that is weak in most of the stomach acid. This can easily determine by eating 1-2 raw beetroot, then turns the urine red, the stomach acid is too weak. The whole thing leads ultimately to the fact that above all the wild herbs and leafy vegetables are not properly digested in the intestine and begin to ferment. This leads to flatulence and the intestine can not absorb the ingredients optimal (underweight).

This whole issue can easily work around in the weeds just looking at the example mixes with a delicious fruit together.

If you like the wild herb collecting and mixing is too complicated, you should go with the theme of food supplements . Deal

Here's an article about the difference between natural and synthetic vitamins .

You already know the fresh food supplement Ringana ? This small manufacturer from Austria has been producing 13 years Fresh cosmetics and personal care products and now 4 years since fresh food supplements. These

I think this is the highest quality and most affordable food supplements on the market.

Here you can see the products you order exactly.

allowed to any questions you call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

What's Alumni Interview

The X-Factor

This is my absolute love Ling article from the Kent despatch Michael Kent has helped me improve my interpersonal communication dramatically

"" There is a single factor, let's call him X-factor, which provides generally for a lot of pain and sorrow, the day you maybe 100, 200 times or more often, a little (or more or all) of joy, steals a factor of wars and crises, Divorce and business failure, illness and physical ailments, defects and disabilities is responsible, a factor that blocks the interpersonal communication, training, health, economic health and global politics ruined - and although factor X to often appears, he is dressed man appears to be completely unknown or in deep invisibility ... "" Here

the full article in PDF

Monday, September 14, 2009

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Fresh cosmetics and personal care

After me the medicine even when my skin problems could not help, just my T-shirts changed color, so strong were the toxins in the treatment creams, I got some time on the subject of de-acidification, to detoxify and purify the idea of me the ingredients of my body care products closer look.

After a brief investigation, I was pretty shocked, the main ingredient was water and petroleum (oil). seek
The heating oil on the skin has nothing was clear to me, but I never thought something like that is used in the cosmetics industry and this is a major part yet.

Look to the best of times the page On the right you'll see quite a few analysis of the largest corporations. (If you want to do I just want to make a personal analysis of your cosmetics and personal care products. Maile me Just the names of the brands and products are using you.)

So I began to look for alternatives and tried the your traditional natural cosmetics from. But even here it was the same game. It was inside but less fuel oil and chemicals, but had to do with the nature in my eyes a little.

So I looked on the Internet and searched and searched, but there was always the same, the so-called Natural Cosmetics turned out again and again as "green colored" cosmetic industry.

When I had given up looking eingentlich already, I came across Ringana, a small factory in Austria BíoBío produces fresh produce. BíoBío stands for 100% chemical free, with no mineral oils, chemicals, dyes, fragrances and preservatives. Rigorously tested on animals, vegan, wherever possible, and 100% pure natural ingredients.

The products are made constantly fresh and shipped directly to customers and are therefore limited shelf life.

Here though not so young, but very informative video about Ringana:

Here you can see the products you order exactly.

allowed to any questions you call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time Warner Remote Blu

Make yourself healthy, with raw food

skin rashes, chronic diseases (fatigue, Nebenhöhlenentzündug, headaches, depression, diarrhea), chest and joint pain, weakness of the immune system and vision, in short, civilization diseases:

some point I had had enough, it could still and decided not to go I do everything to become healthy

After me no medicine could help, I am told by a fellow professor on the topic of de-acidification, to detoxify and purify, and thereby in the end came on the raw food.

more I am informed, the more I was that my symptoms especially at a mercury poisoning (mercury, vaccinations , fish and meat) were due.

Erdfasten, colon cleansing, extraction of mercury, regular exercise and a diet change to raw food brought dramatic results within weeks. All the above-mentioned symptoms disappeared and it began to spread a gorgeous well-being.

If you improve your health or increase just your well-being and your zest for life like, I put to you very fond of you deal with the issue of detoxification, purification and raw food.

Here the English Go Raw Now Trailer with Markus Rothkranz

Since even in the raw food a lot can go wrong, I put you his eBook very the heart. It helped me a lot and I think includes all there is to know on the subject.

Here is a German video of him:

What I also retrieved very, healing clay that I take several times a day.

allowed to any questions you call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

Here you can find raw food recipes

And here's an excerpt from the book "The Health Revolution" by Christian Opitz super tasty:

The Hunza live in northern Pakistan, the Karakoram Mountains. Researchers came to their remote valleys presented, always surprised to find that these people really know not a disease. Gabriel G. Marn, in his impressive book "Hunza" (East-West Publications) a description of the circumstances of the Hunza. He also stated during his visits that the people there are really healthy. Not even caries, the most common disease of civilization, people meet at the Hunzaland. Life expectancy is on average more than 90 years, but what is more remarkable is the fact that the 90 - or 100-year Hunza still complete the same workload as young people. There is not retired, he is due to the superior health and performance of the old people do not need to. A British scientist once tried to explain to a 100-year Hunza, which is a retirement home. The old man could not understand that there can be such things and said, "How good that we here have no civilization." Then he carried a heavy burden to the neighboring village. The diet of the Hunza
consists mainly of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit, the food is naturally grown without chemical fertilizers and only slightly processed. Animal protein in the diet is not available. If the hypothesis were true traditional medicine, that people, especially the infant milk and meat or fish needed in its development, it would have to Hunzakinder be underdeveloped, anemic and anorexic. The opposite is the case. Neither the degenerative diseases of civilization still teething problems occur in the Hunza.

the Tarahumara in northwest Mexico, the Tarahumara Indians live, the physically impressive people on earth. For a Tarahumara it is part of everyday life, 100 kilometers or more to be covered with heavy loads. Even children, but also old people run without break easily dozens of miles at altitudes over 2000 m. In the frequently held football matches in 30 - travel 40 hours played incessantly by distances up to 300 km. The Tarahumara Indians remained until recently of serious diseases of civilization completely spared. The life expectancy is around 90 years. How
feed the Hunza in the Tarahumara without animal products. The main part of the daily diet are corn and beans, to get berries, fruits and wild vegetables. By Western yardsticks would all be starving Tarahumara long, because their caloric intake is calories per day just 1500th Given the great physical feats is the classic doctrine of calories, according to the needs already an adult at rest 1800 calories a day, far too little. Since there are neither diseases nor the Tarahumara starvation, the food of this people seems to contain a special richness.

In New Guinea there lives a people that has probably the most one-sided diet of the World exhibit. The live Batatenesser namely to 90% of sweet potatoes (sweet potato). Sometimes there is nothing else for weeks. Here are the natives with their diet very pleased and have no interest in great variety. Diseases of civilization are unknown at this people. Particularly interesting is the fact that, in the bowels of Batatenesser daily 15-20 g proteins are secreted, but the food contains only 10 g protein. By a specific intestinal bacterium Clostridium perfringens C, these medical miracles all their protein needs (the so-called essential amino acids) by Own production to cover. In the diet of civilized nations is not possible.

Free Orlando Map For Garmin

The secret of the water

We are people of 90% water. We dedicate this, our elixir of life too little attention?

Spectacular findings tell us that water can store information. More than that, seems simply designed fluid that information to "evaluate" and also "flow and swing" accordingly. Can we take advantage of it, as we learn to understand the water?

Here are a few reports on our water quality:

drugs in drinking water

woodlice in drinking water

Here is a film about uranium in drinking water

case you are interested in an extremely effective and very inexpensive water purification and vitalization technology have, check out the times here:


water crystals, with and without Aquaflow

the Fostac Aquaflow you can about Institute for Prevention order.

any questions you may call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Watch Ftv Hot Online Free

the Secret - the secret

In this film you will learn EVERYTHING you need to know if you want to use the secret for you.

unveiled this breakthrough, feature-length documentary film in widescreen format, the mystery of the universe, which was passed through the centuries by the whole history of mankind ever ... and is now revealed to you, too.

This secret applies to almost everything ... because it is the key to a happy life, to health and prosperity; to fulfill relations and deep love - for all that you wish for!

reveal for the first time in the history of mankind is the world's leading teachers, researchers, psychologists and selling authors, the mystery, which so far was less reserved, and changed the life of every man who knew it and Anwandter: Einstein, Plato, Newton, Carnegie, Beethoven, Shakespeare, and many others.

the Secret - includes impressive real-life stories of people like you and I have changed their lives on a deeper level.

Learn the Secret and much of what you consider to be impossible, possible. You can overcome disease, to wealth and prosperity enter and survive any crisis.

Here's the trailer

Here are the first 20 minutes free of charge in English

The DVD can be order here

Here is a wonderful affirmation of the Secret

What Can I Use Instead Of Broth


I beg you by 110 minutes of lifetime.

Invest your time in order to view this video you this and you will have the feeling that you want the hair on end.

A courageous and dedicated woman is a huge Impflüge on the track. For your health and the health of your child, you should invest those 110 minutes. It is important to the entire presentation to see the questions to end.

This courageous "Volksaufklärerin" has a name: Anita Petek-Dimmer

She has also written books and is certainly of interest for more information.

Here's a telegram for me, very helpful on Vaccination:

vaccine brochure
"Dear reader, dear parents! ". Vaccinations are the best that modern medicine has to offer you effective protection against disease, are risks and side effects to be negligible, and whoever does not vaccinate his child, is irresponsible and endangers public health." So the message is to vaccinate medical school. A growing number of vaccination by means other hand, that the Impfgedanke based on unproven hypotheses and points out that even the old Impfpioniere their findings at the end of their lives to challenge the validity or even - as in the case of Louis Pasteur - the beautiful fake their experiments were transferred. Critics continue to complain that there are no independent studies that prove clearly that vaccinated children are better protected from the inoculated disease than unvaccinated, and they point to numbers that put the contrary suggests that consideration of a disease-X-vaccinated people, even ill more often than not on X. vaccinated "

Here the full article in PDF

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Atlanta Dj's Another One Bites The Dust

Guesthouse Wolfsong Poneloya - Nicaragua

Nicaragua is an extremely ambitious in terms of tourism and the small country town Poneloya one of the most beautiful spots. In addition to beautiful scenery and exciting wildlife, this area near the border with El Salvador and Honduras, great sports facilities, especially for surfers and divers. Wolf song is its own instructors. Those who prefer to ride on the Playa can be rented at Wolf Song and horses. Wolf Song offers its customers much more ..... English courses, yoga and learning of Latin American dances from salsa to belly dancing to anything is possible! Also are available for our guests knowledgeable guide. They accompany tourists interested in the capital Managua and in the provincial capital of Leon, or lead to the many rewarding destinations.
Wolf Song has 01 per June 2009, the Guest House Wolf Song Poneloya opened.
Directly on the sandy beach Wolf Song of the occasion, a mixture between sport - enjoy swimming and adventure holidays.
Our Guest House is based on cheap accommodation in pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.
We advise our clients when planning their next trip to Costa - Rica or Richtung Honduras / Salvador.