Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time Warner Remote Blu

Make yourself healthy, with raw food

skin rashes, chronic diseases (fatigue, Nebenhöhlenentzündug, headaches, depression, diarrhea), chest and joint pain, weakness of the immune system and vision, in short, civilization diseases:

some point I had had enough, it could still and decided not to go I do everything to become healthy

After me no medicine could help, I am told by a fellow professor on the topic of de-acidification, to detoxify and purify, and thereby in the end came on the raw food.

more I am informed, the more I was that my symptoms especially at a mercury poisoning (mercury, vaccinations , fish and meat) were due.

Erdfasten, colon cleansing, extraction of mercury, regular exercise and a diet change to raw food brought dramatic results within weeks. All the above-mentioned symptoms disappeared and it began to spread a gorgeous well-being.

If you improve your health or increase just your well-being and your zest for life like, I put to you very fond of you deal with the issue of detoxification, purification and raw food.

Here the English Go Raw Now Trailer with Markus Rothkranz

Since even in the raw food a lot can go wrong, I put you his eBook very the heart. It helped me a lot and I think includes all there is to know on the subject.

Here is a German video of him:

What I also retrieved very, healing clay that I take several times a day.

allowed to any questions you call me at between 15-21 clock at +49 (0) 8385 921 503rd

Here you can find raw food recipes

And here's an excerpt from the book "The Health Revolution" by Christian Opitz super tasty:

The Hunza live in northern Pakistan, the Karakoram Mountains. Researchers came to their remote valleys presented, always surprised to find that these people really know not a disease. Gabriel G. Marn, in his impressive book "Hunza" (East-West Publications) a description of the circumstances of the Hunza. He also stated during his visits that the people there are really healthy. Not even caries, the most common disease of civilization, people meet at the Hunzaland. Life expectancy is on average more than 90 years, but what is more remarkable is the fact that the 90 - or 100-year Hunza still complete the same workload as young people. There is not retired, he is due to the superior health and performance of the old people do not need to. A British scientist once tried to explain to a 100-year Hunza, which is a retirement home. The old man could not understand that there can be such things and said, "How good that we here have no civilization." Then he carried a heavy burden to the neighboring village. The diet of the Hunza
consists mainly of whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruit, the food is naturally grown without chemical fertilizers and only slightly processed. Animal protein in the diet is not available. If the hypothesis were true traditional medicine, that people, especially the infant milk and meat or fish needed in its development, it would have to Hunzakinder be underdeveloped, anemic and anorexic. The opposite is the case. Neither the degenerative diseases of civilization still teething problems occur in the Hunza.

the Tarahumara in northwest Mexico, the Tarahumara Indians live, the physically impressive people on earth. For a Tarahumara it is part of everyday life, 100 kilometers or more to be covered with heavy loads. Even children, but also old people run without break easily dozens of miles at altitudes over 2000 m. In the frequently held football matches in 30 - travel 40 hours played incessantly by distances up to 300 km. The Tarahumara Indians remained until recently of serious diseases of civilization completely spared. The life expectancy is around 90 years. How
feed the Hunza in the Tarahumara without animal products. The main part of the daily diet are corn and beans, to get berries, fruits and wild vegetables. By Western yardsticks would all be starving Tarahumara long, because their caloric intake is calories per day just 1500th Given the great physical feats is the classic doctrine of calories, according to the needs already an adult at rest 1800 calories a day, far too little. Since there are neither diseases nor the Tarahumara starvation, the food of this people seems to contain a special richness.

In New Guinea there lives a people that has probably the most one-sided diet of the World exhibit. The live Batatenesser namely to 90% of sweet potatoes (sweet potato). Sometimes there is nothing else for weeks. Here are the natives with their diet very pleased and have no interest in great variety. Diseases of civilization are unknown at this people. Particularly interesting is the fact that, in the bowels of Batatenesser daily 15-20 g proteins are secreted, but the food contains only 10 g protein. By a specific intestinal bacterium Clostridium perfringens C, these medical miracles all their protein needs (the so-called essential amino acids) by Own production to cover. In the diet of civilized nations is not possible.


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