Thursday, September 3, 2009

What Can I Use Instead Of Broth


I beg you by 110 minutes of lifetime.

Invest your time in order to view this video you this and you will have the feeling that you want the hair on end.

A courageous and dedicated woman is a huge Impflüge on the track. For your health and the health of your child, you should invest those 110 minutes. It is important to the entire presentation to see the questions to end.

This courageous "Volksaufklärerin" has a name: Anita Petek-Dimmer

She has also written books and is certainly of interest for more information.

Here's a telegram for me, very helpful on Vaccination:

vaccine brochure
"Dear reader, dear parents! ". Vaccinations are the best that modern medicine has to offer you effective protection against disease, are risks and side effects to be negligible, and whoever does not vaccinate his child, is irresponsible and endangers public health." So the message is to vaccinate medical school. A growing number of vaccination by means other hand, that the Impfgedanke based on unproven hypotheses and points out that even the old Impfpioniere their findings at the end of their lives to challenge the validity or even - as in the case of Louis Pasteur - the beautiful fake their experiments were transferred. Critics continue to complain that there are no independent studies that prove clearly that vaccinated children are better protected from the inoculated disease than unvaccinated, and they point to numbers that put the contrary suggests that consideration of a disease-X-vaccinated people, even ill more often than not on X. vaccinated "

Here the full article in PDF


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