Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Real First Time Casting

Bach - BWV 61 - 1 - Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland

Our Christmas concert on Sunday is well run and has all those present
hopefully put in festive mood, contemplative and festive.
Our choir director had prepared an ambitious program.
The most difficult piece of music was the overture
from Cantata BWV 61
"Now come the Saviour" by Johann Sebastian Bach.
The interaction with the Chamber Orchestra has worked out better than we suspected
. In addition to our church choir
a men's choir was one of the program points.
The proceeds of the concert went well this year in two social projects.

The video
you should give an impression-
it is not our choir!


Gyms To Rent To Play Basketball In San Antonio Tx

budget - now goes Advent


My this year's Advent

For years, I have a friend
the green wreath tied
and I needed only to decorate,
this year I've even tied it
to a blank disc, I have also tinkered
(Thick wire wrapped with straw and newspaper).
Thuja, cherry laurel and yew branches I've used everything
cut waste from the garden.
That was some work, I am not trained in it,
and I'm glad that he is somewhat succeeded me.
The candles tags sent me Christina .
This was a surprise, I was so happy about her love
Advent Post!
Christina, once again many thanks!
The supporters are very sweet and are the icing on the cake, a real eye-catcher!
In the Middle, I just put a few elderberry branches with lichens
and a fruit tree branch, wrapped loosely with
Felt and Karoband. In between jam red apples.
(Unfortunately the photos are not all that great)
Although I after many years about this Advent wreath
wanted to decorate a dish with only candles,
I am satisfied with the traditional wreath
Low Budget he is too! We have
has snowed yesterday, it turned out really wintry.
The winter tires are now finally raised
winter tires mandatory today!

love Christmas greetings Marita

Thursday, November 25, 2010

West Point Graduate Without A Demerit

's also going on with me ...

... Advent with the preparations!
The Christmas cookies, I opened with delicious walnut corners.

Our son can
I sent a box of the tasty pastries
to Munich, just
weighed, so that could be sent there as a big envelope
, so
to fit in his mailbox and he was not yet on extra
..'s Post Office "traipse" (to go) must
(mothers think so ... yes, or)

Let's see how long the stock in the can ...
Otherwise, I have not decorated much.
However, I have attached a large wreath
already a few days ago,
actually I wanted a wreath more
only four candles in a rectangular Shell
decorated with a little green ...
daughter but insisted - as every year -
have a traditional round wreath ...
and since I have to talk to ...
On Saturday, the rest is decoration
mainly red and white and something like
Naturdeko cones, nuts, apples
After last year I had NO red decoration,
I am looking forward to this year.

Today I'm going to Cologne to my four longtime friends meet. We will "drive" a little, and the Christmas Market stroll ... one or another of us mulled wine will probably taste ... it is cold and it started to snow ...
then comes to me with Christmas atmosphere.

The first Sunday of Advent has for some years an important date for me and my husband:
Our Advent concert in our church.
Under the theme "Rejoice all ye people"
we will comply with our singing hopefully the church with a household
Hall ...
and all present enjoy ...
a string ensemble is also working with
and it has us tuned in to the already festive rehearsal .

I wish all my readers
a nice atmospheric first weekend in December!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Camp Berrete Correction Center

November at the museum

beginning the week were these images on museum village. sure I wanted to capture the mood there. The November light gives the pictures a quiet and contemplative charm. The museum with the adjacent Museum Village middle of our small town, is at times a great crowd puller (Blumen. and plant market in June and the traditional castle market on 3 October). It also regularly visit schools the site to learn something from the former village life. The small village Museum is located just a few minutes from me. I often take the road through the small forest. The journey is the last part of the "nature trail victory" will open next spring.
On Thursday and Friday I could have no photos ... It has been raining and storming so, so bad that even the St. Martin St. failed is! also in some neighboring villages, the parades have been canceled, it is too dangerous to burn a large fire Martin. I can not remember ever Martin trains were canceled.
Because it was so pretty uncomfortable, I did it myself with several cups cappuccino, a Duftkerzchen and my beloved Goldberg Variations from the CD player made comfortable already at 14.00 clock and seen my many many photos sorted, and an external hard drive and put on CD's. Significant space I have not won but ...
between I've been annoyed by a message in the local time in the WDR: As the leader of an urban KITA in Bochum has spoken out against St. Martin in kindergarten. The kindergarten will be free from religion, his Christian children should not be confronted with religious festivities!
... here is the link
So much for "integration debate" Sad, sad, so far it has come to our culture in the Christian West. Rather, the new German "Halloween" celebration as the meaning of the story of St. Martin to convey, but which consists in helping and sharing, just in the sense of lived charity. I think this is very important in our "Elbow society". This however does not hurt Mitbüger migrant! Who does not want to need, not even to go there.
Here are some facts and figures:
Over 40 percent of the faithful Catholics in North Rhine-Westphalia, nearly 30 percent of Protestants. are faithful Muslims around three percent.
It occurs to me now: 11th 11. is next to St. Martin in the Rhineland and the beginning of the so-called "fifth season", the beginning of carnival time, the revelers Zick, as we say Rhinelander. (But I fear that this small Íntegrationsdiskussion is not a carnival joke!)

Whatever the case may be-
I wish you a nice weekend!
Greetings Marita

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Treatment Hollow Eyes

Sunday breakfast in November

The period of intense fall colors coming to an end, it has now become November. Autumn happens to be not only "Golden October" but also dreary weather and the onset of cold weather. The landscape is now presented in gray-brown color, which makes me usually very quiet. I like the November not at all, I am a "summer child" and need the sun (not to be confused with heat!) The long evenings, starting already about 16:30 clock, press to my mind, I am sad, I often little drive .... but it's also normal to be sad sometimes. How can the natural resting ... does this mean for me to retreat to the inside ....

And what good help against the November blues?
A great breakfast for example!
We had breakfast today, and although here!
In August, I've posted Hofcafé brownies ever. The owner and chef Kathy bridge had to my birthday party service provided.
The farm café is an absolute insider tip in our environment. Involved will have the best breakfast for miles around. But not only you can have breakfast there is next to the caterer is still eating à la carte, coffee and cakes and a great menu weeks.
For Sunday breakfast we had booked and were curious what a breakfast waiting for us then.
Our little daughter wanted to and then went with the "car-to-or better before - the court."
philosophy of the owners:

The essential is invisible. The beautiful place we have here in Marienthal, open to others, and with them enjoy .

The guest room in the goblin-yard behind that door
out in a former cow barn

New kitchen meets rustic ambience

the advertising slogan of the owner-couple
applies fully to be

The breakfast plates by the goblin motif personalized,
the remaining dish is a colorful mixture of many
old coffee service parts,
covered on original tablecloths with embroidery and lots of old lace,
boasting much charm!

I would have liked a few more glances thrown into this
beautiful home and garden magazines ...
but the breakfast was provided to us by the owner
soon on the table ...
can be seen on all the delicacies of the collage?
Kathy Bruck bakes bread and croissants freshly-which were small, but many of us three,
fresh meats, four kinds of jam, chocolate spread, honey, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs and boiled eggs (I do not like eggs ... but all my friends !), fruit ..
especially with the super delicious raspberry jam on the butter croissants ... hmmm .... But actually everything was soooo totally delicious ...
Simple powerful country cuisine in a fresh and best quality. Just as earlier indicated. It does not have the stylish and not to select breakfast buffet to beat end! As so often in life, the simple things are often the best!
The term "slow food" is usually not brought in connection with breakfast ... But here is quite appropriate!
And I have the collage "crowned" ... this breakfast has earned it!
was next door typical Westerwald spoken dialect, this round of men did not sit in front of coffee mugs, but gave a hearty brunch
After really commendable Sunday breakfast
I had to quickly or take some photos ...

I find it quite enchanting places
and these pastel colors are great - not only
in November.
I wish you a good week
- On Thursday we go to St. Martin's procession in the village
another beautiful moment in the November
greetings Marita