Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Can You Mussel An English Bulldog

things come to those ...

... finally - finished!

After I've even logged some time ago in Corinna Onlinefilzschule and regularly receive documents (and read, yes ...), I can finally show you something. It is - I'll give it to - my first work from the very very first lesson. Embroidery! I find embroidered Felt soooooo beautiful and I always imagined how wonderfully relaxing to the must, in the evening to taunt a few bites, let it relax and then enjoy a pleasing result. Until I got my first (very small and very modest) embroidery - the angels can out of the Advent course - began. In my reverie by the embroidery cozy evening was such a vile banalities like my bad eyes, the miserable light, my paws, in which a pearl disappears, never to return, and a sore neck from leaning seats in the non-stick easy-chair, disappears. The reality, however, then mercilessly their headlights aimed.

Nevertheless - I want to embroider - point, no, exclamation point.

And after much back and forth I have decided to participate in Corinna's course. From her blog I knew all of her beautiful embroidered felting, because you can certainly learn something.

And in fact I've still managed to embroider two felt pieces. It was really relaxing and has fun, even if it took forever. A clever spectacles on nose, extra light beside the chair and the lack of mini pearls - until now -'s made this possible. And of course the great and inspiring examples from the instructions.

Fortunately, I just in time occurred to the photograph (almost) empty felt pieces still order the famous "before and after effect.

Originally, I intended to Pulswärmer it to to make but since I'm now not so sure I want to. However, the parts have to mutate any commodity. We'll see. Any ideas from you?

I only very few, basic stitches have applied. For starters, it seemed the appropriate - because the relaxation ;-).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How To Become A Third Party Payment Processor


the very end - just before the clean up - I have made even these three prototypes of a light in the wind Felt. Transparency and Structures is a subject I am just very busy when felting. I also wanted to make a small gift for my sister and a dear friend (the third is for me ;-).

After I felted my Wensleydale still not home, I tried it out here. Together with Mongolian wool and coconut fibers.

The Mongolian razor-thin two-layer, then the coconut fibers designed light and above, only in a position to Wensleydale.
The whole thing has become matted quickly and also model thoroughly. At home I have now further felted to form, compatible with the glass. The coconut fiber works its way out again, the more you felt, because she is relatively stiff and does not shrink. So the right time not to miss!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Is Curing Necessary For Jerky

A ship will come

An overview of my work during the Summer Academy at the Felt Oberrot.

boats, flower or seed pod ...?

receptive Absolutely. A case for many occasions.

The vessel was built from a closed, oval Filzkörper is therefore double. The form invites you to play and is ideal for conversion purposes.

was so short and fine, I have never designed wool. The individual bundles were approximately 1.5 cm long. Overall, I put two layers. The second was, except for a narrow margin, black and white spotted. So there was only the edge of the shell-colored turquoise. A lengthy but very meditative task.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rollercoaster Tycoon Platinum Nocd

A feast of inspiration

So, now will report to it some time to the exciting and impressive days (and nights) in the Felt Oberrot.
made two weeks in the Summer Academy all about felting and 12 course participants turned, with under the guidance of Inge Bauer and Claudia U. community.
better we would not have to make. Both textile artists each tread their own path in the field of felting. The different themes of their Filzschaffens caused different approaches and we could now get to know both. In exchange, we worked with Claudia again, once with Inge.
The technique of producing thick, solid felt, as they are needed eg for carpets, we practiced with Claudia on a seat cushion. Their years of practical experience in the traditional manufacturing of carpets in Turkey has given us a deep insight into this ancient and fascinating craft. reveled
With Inge We in wool and cloth, learned an incredible amount of Nunofelt and were happy to have soft, thin, flowing Filzkreationen. There were unique and incredibly beautiful jackets, coats, dresses, tops, etc. Each piece is unique as its creator. Here, too, was Inge's long-standing specialization in clothing for us a great gift.

addition to the power women engineers and Claudia amounts eleven imaginative and humorous filzbegeisterte colleagues from Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland and the United States two weeks for me this incredible experience. It was designed into the night, tried, discarded, pondered, braced with soap and water, rolled, kneaded and moaned and groaned. But most of all: laughter! Thank you all, you are great!

And a big thanks to Fritz family, all within the company makes its Wollknoll possible! The filled us in a straightforward way our desires not only what concerned the material, but it came to food and drink. Daughter Stefanie cooked for us first-class and rich in variety and Sonja Fritz smiled even more than we felt for the thousandth time for emergency "coffee machine" called.

Here are some photographic impressions of the beautiful, rural setting. Pictures of my work follow.

That was the beautiful view from my room at Doris and Jürgen.

The area around the shop ...

... with the entrance to the accommodation of Wollknoll.

As you can see, we let it go well us. ;