Monday, December 27, 2010

Things To Write In Bachelorette Card


pity, the beautiful Christmas season is already over. The time to be happy always flies so fast ... were the last days before Christmas for me very stressful and hectic, with purchase dates, choir rehearsals, homemade Christmas cards Send to bake and cook ... and then just before Christmas, the publication of our local newspaper Däller Rundschau, exactly ... but this stress is one of them for me. Christmas is somehow from all of me ... and a nachweihnachtliche Peace returns. In the days between the years especially.

from my walk (second last post) I have brought many enchanting photos.
I think they fit well in her quiet charisma in the last days of the year.

I wish everyone a happy new year!

the New Year

's not always keep us goin 'is in hand as we approach the new year ...

burned in all
is now the year before our eyes. If there are good
contaminated sites, which have not banned, the
We will also now receive.
is not always keep us goin's in hand,
as we approach the new year.

We still do not know his lines
nor his melodies. The old
lent us nothing
's can stay where the pepper grows.
The hope is green on the way,
their plants are still small at first, but it
never nipped in the sand.

In the center is our heart
happiness. We can make it for yourself.
Will it keep it?
For everyone other girl weighs
times and everyone lives his hour, and many
as the eagle flies,
's sometimes just one 's only round.
(Gabriele Lins)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Rubber Feet For Ironing

Merry Christmas

"The towers of St. Peter"
means this advent of 2002, I given the advent of a very loving woman in our village was. She had - yet again - found in the decoration box and thought, it is essential to get the Marita, who already has a son who lives right there where the children are watching on the nostalgic image? (The image shows the Munich Frauenkirche)
Is not that sweet? For a few
Tagen ist unser Sohn nun aus München angereist. Es ist schön, ihn zuhause zu haben.
Bis Anfang Januar bleibt er und wir genießen die gemeinsame Zeit.
Der Weihnachtsbaum wird  bei uns gleich  von Töchterchen  geschmückt und die Krippe ist bereits aufgebaut.
Bei uns ist Weihnachten immer sehr traditionell. Töchterchen und Sohnemann erfreuen mit ihrem Bläsercorps am Nachmittag die Menschen in den umliegenden Dörfern mit ihrem Weihnachtsspielm danach holen wir meine Mutter zu uns und es gibt gegen 18.30 Uhr Abendessen: Böhmischer Kartoffelsalat ( mit Möhren und Sellerie) und geräuchtern Forellen. Anschließend is the mess. Then I take as my mother every night to bed and about 21.00 clock, we make ourselves ready for the Christmas service. Also I am looking forward very much. We sing for half an hour before the start of the Christmas carols beautiful, has rehearsed the choir director with us.
after the famous English Christmas carol: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
we sing the German lyrics:
thank God through all the world, constantly keeps his word

and sinners comfort and advice
hergesendet to us.

This old silhouette motif
I would like to wish all
Merry Christmas!
... And I want to thank you for the many comments from you!
has now fulfilled the dream of white Christmas - it's snowing for hours with us!

Greetings Marita

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lumix, Charge Battery For How Long

I was lazy ...

... felting seen before, and will change before Christmas, nothing more.
is why today's absolutely lint free Christmas greetings from me.

it let you (and others) go!

Happy and relaxed holidays, I wish all of you!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Clean Brown Spots Stainless Steel


the magnificent winter weather
lured me outside today.
lie above our village on a lonely plateau individual farms.
It's wonderful there to trudge through the snow and the cold
clear air to breathe.
The roads are thick with snow and some snow is still untouched.
The landscape is as spread out calmly.
sun makes the snow sparkle and glitter.

The winter this year but is simply fantastic ...
I could stay out of it that way.
I took during my walk a lot of pictures.
The sun on my way down to the village have
behind the clouds, but these photos its charm ...
I show you some other time

a nice 4th Advent I want you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reflux Makes Baby Eat More

a nice Wednesday ...

... I wish all of you!
Yesterday I baked a cake mulled wine, I get love in the afternoon Christmas visit.

The last time I had little time ... among other things, I was very pleased with the publication of our local newspaper Däller Rundschau busy on Sunday was to press and now she just needs to be printed yet.
Right now I dress warm and go through the village, collecting for charity.
much snow to expect.
are predicted up to 20 cm.
Truly a winter wonderland.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Telecharger Smartst Pc

Winter Wonderland ....

Before it gets dark, I would like to show even the view from our living room window:

snow for many hours it continuously.
Dick adorned with snow provides our Enchanted garden like.
Everything is quiet, does even the birds and not heard.
Only the scraping of snow shovels in the neighborhood interrupts the silence.
Is not it a beautiful second Advent Sunday?
I think it's wonderful to enjoy the comfort of indoors.
I am even tonight, again with free husband or daughter
the paths and the frontage to the snow again.
a nice week greetings

