Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silver Dollar Clip Art

The Way to Happiness

Michael Kent (Kent despatch )

What the world is currently the most urgent need is good news, things that work and help the world actually make a better place. Just something the book "The Way to Happiness" - and not just a little bit, but in very, very large extent and scope.

In other countries of the world, people have recognized this for some time and with the "Way to Happiness" is a real popular movement, kicked off a grassroots movement: The issue in America is distributed to 12,000 schools by the police in South American countries, the Red Cross in the Philippines etc. Did you know that? If you have ever heard in Germany ever like this?

And you knew that "The Way to Happiness" in the rest of the world is in such demand, that it has been translated into 95 languages and therefore according to the Koran at the sixth-most translated book on earth is? Or

knew that this little book is so popular in the rest of the world, that it is now in the hands of 82.3 million people and is thus ranked 32 in the world rankings is the most widely used books of the earth?

The book can now www.kent in all 95 languages (including German, of course) free of charge as PDF from our website to download - Our Christmas and New Year gift to all readers of our newsletter.


Do you publish a single adult man, sincere, honest, deep from within serene serene and filled with deep happiness is? If I

, whether in Kirchheim, Stuttgart, Munich or elsewhere by stroll the streets, I see faces that are furrowed with worry, tablets or alcohol drawn, consumed by grief.

see Yes, I sometimes - rarely - children who are still really happy from the inside out, but the next thing that happens is that any adult in the area reduces the chance immediately. It takes almost a minute until a lucky kid down a peg in any way, put him in the wrong and his luck is prohibited normal.

It appears to an almost as one in this country should not just be happy, as if true, genuine happiness something that is simply prohibited. Or as if it were any unimportant appendage to life, a "superfluous accessory.

But happiness is the central element of life, the focal point of the essence. In other words, everything is nothing without happiness.

indicates the degree of happiness, how much one life in this material world they themselves remained. The unfortunate person is, the less of himself (from his true self) is left.

"The Way to Happiness" shows a possible way back to the real self - and he even managed to get to schools free of drugs, managed to inspire people to improve their environment, managed to rebellious band members give back a sense of purpose, indeed, it even managed to rehabilitate prisoners criminals such
helped that other prisoners were released early in some cases even. Moreover - and this is unique in the world - was (and others) with his help, the likelihood that once criminals after their release back into the prison to return from 85 percent to 0 to 10 percent!

But the "Way to Happiness" accomplished even more than that a man lost return it thinks happiness.

This booklet is not a religious or ideological movement, but a secular guide, purely on common Common sense is based.

Nowhere it is about religious content or faith. The book will be distributed worldwide by government authorities and representatives of all religions. It is estimated by scientists or even of materially-oriented people who believe in nothing.

Note: The author of the book "The Way to Happiness" is L. Ron Hubard, as familiar to most as the founder of the Scientology religion. But Hubbard has at least 20 other departments and areas of research and describes not only a religious philosophy of life (Scientology). The booklet is independent of the Scientology - and the project "The Way to Happiness participate "in the world 99 percent of people who are not Scientologists

We are dealing here is not about religion but about getting back more to bring the values and virtues in a world that is torn apart by disasters, wars and crises, therefore, once again to bring a little luck, who feel they have lost it, therefore, give new hope to people who think there would be no, so bring a little more happiness and good news in this stricken world.

This is our present concern and that of the booklet The Way to Happiness -. despatch one topic that is almost THE

under the following direct link to you the "Way to Happiness" download directly:

Monday, December 7, 2009

How To Use An Sd Writer

You may

have This telegram I better understood why it is counterproductive to impose something or other to teach, etc.

»'hulls, the" normal people "nose at you, such as when" represented such funny Views , esoteric and / or strict vegan, drink purified water, avoid sugar and salt industries and can not be vaccinated? Are you sometimes as incorrigible, sectarian or as a conspiracy theorist? Do you sometimes difficult to get people to bring certain issues in more detail? This dispatch was written for YOU - and really they should each be preceded by an introduction despatch ..."«

Here the full article in PDF

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Average Bra Size According To Country

What is Scientology really?

On the subject of Scientology, the author of the telegram Kent, Michael Kent Member, na And?
Where's the problem?

When I abbonniert the telegram had, it was not long before me and my parents threw a right-wing anti-Semites and Scientology brainwashed gullible guru went into the trap here, because they had read it on the internet and television reports of Michael Kent knew about Scientology.

I could not leave, of course, sit on me and informed me in detail about Michael Kent and Scientology.

Well, my research brought to light just the opposite.

Michael Kent also supports the company founded by Scientology CCHR (Commission for violations of psychiatry against human rights eV) , among other together with Jews for the AltNaziƄrzte that perform some still in their experiments provide psychiatry, charged and put an end to their doings.

Socviel quite radical on the subject and anti-Semitism.

I am not a member , but when I Scientology for 'By their fruits ye shall know them "look, I can only take my hat:

Drogenrehabilation with over 70% success rate

Youth for Human Rights

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Drug-free World

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Here a lecture on the last AZK

Much love